Helping First Responders Save YOUR Life

MyMedHistory is the first company to incorporate the QR Code within the star of life symbol so first responders can instantly recognize and securely scan the data point within the code to point them to your lifesaving medical and personal information. Our patent pending program allows you to display your: allergies, medication list, health conditions, surgeries, legal documents, emergency contact information, caregiver and pet care directives and much more.

In the event of a medical emergency, our patent-pending process quickly delivers this information from a secure server to the first responder's smartphone or tablet. This system is fully HIPAA Compliant.

What is MyMedHistory

To be effective, First Responders need to know about you.

If you have special medical concerns, how will the first responders know immediately in order to act appropriately?

If you have diabetes, are on blood thinners or have a severe allergy to certain medications, how would the emergency personnel know this in order to provide you with the proper lifesaving care that you need?

If you are a parent/guardian or caregiver, who would be there to let the first responders know that others are dependent on you?

What if you were in an accident and couldn’t communicate with first responders?

With a quick scan of your personalized, secure MyMedHistory QR Code on any of our products, first responders can gain access to your life-saving medical information leading to more personalized, immediate care. MyMedHistory also offers the option for first responders to quickly notify your emergency contacts.

Medical Information


Personalized Care Notes

MyMedHistory information on a phone

How it works.

With MyMedHistory, all your personalized medical information will be available to first responders in a matter of seconds.

Information such as: allergies, medications, medical history, emergency contacts, vital legal documents, information about caregiver responsibilities for family members including pets, and more is now as easily accessible as taking a picture with your smartphone.

Our patent pending program also incorporates biometric technology for facial recognition to help first responders identify, assist and return our members with cognitive impairments, autism, PTSD, and dementia related diseases home.

Stay up-to-date with all things MyMedHistory

Stay up-to-date with this amazing software. Fill out the form and we’ll keep you up to date! Take control of an emergency situation with MyMedHistory’s advanced preparation technology. 
